Williams Family from Evansville, Indiana

House on Stedman Street, Monrovia, California

By 1950, all of Marie’s family in California have settled into Monrovia at the base of the picturesque San Gabriel mountains. And others follow. Ray and Reba Banta, Earl’s wife Ruth’s brother and sister-in-law also move to Monrovia.

Walter, and brother-in-law Frank Lienenbach, work for McShane’s dairy. Frank later works for the local dry cleaning company. Walter and Ray Banta work for Aerojet in nearby Azusa where pioneer rocket work has become big business. Earl works in Los Angeles at Swift & Company and Neal works in Duarte for Conrac the pioneer in industrial TV sets. This gives availability to TV before many others as relatives converge on Neal’s house to see the limited programs (wrestling and game shows).

Walter and Marie’s children go to Clifton Middle School and Monrovia Arcadia Duarte High School preceded by cousin Bob Bollinger. Howard and Harold have Daily News Post paper routes and Marie and Janet help fold the papers so they can be thrown onto porches.

By 1956, Howard has finished an AA degree in Engineering, got a drafting job at Aerojet and married Phyllis Scofield from the Nazarene Church. Between 1958 and 1960 they have a girl Deborah and three boys, with two of the boys being fraternal twins (Steven and Kevin) and the last Glenn. Walter and Marie live close by and help take care of the kids for hours and sometimes days at a time. Harold and Janet have graduated from Monrovia High and are in Pasadena College. Janet has met Jerry Ragsdale at that College about the end of the decade and Jerry starts coming to Monrovia for church and dates with Janet.

(We need more info here about Harold and Beryl )


Williams photos of the 1950s


Walter Williams on his milk route

Howard, Janet, Walter and Harold

Williams and Bollinger gang

1951 Duarte portrait

Walter's brothers and sisters

Williams family

Williams family

Janet, Howard, Marie, Harold and Walter

Copyright 2001 Williams Family from Evansville, Indiana